  • My daughter Sara was diagnosed with Scoliosis in 2014.

    It was a shock at the time when I realized that it was a degenerative spinal disease that would end surgery. Gabriel, my broker since 2010, was with me all the way with visits to Miami Children's. In  October 2016 , we were told that the surgery would need to be done within 3 weeks. I was uncertain and afraid, and added to that the cost of the surgery. I called Gabriel, and got my first relief when he confirmed my company would cover the surgery in Miami. From the very beginning, he helped me to put together paperwork and coordinated the insurance side of the situation. We walked in to the  hospital with a guarantee letter in hand, knowing the financial aspect of the problem was solved. We were even able to have her recovery therapy covered so it really gave us the peace of mind to concentrate on Sara and what was best for her recovery. My sincere apologies to Gabriel for complaining over the years about the high cost of the medical coverage. We were able to recover the cost many times over, and there was no way I would have been able to pay for the surgery without financial strain if I was not covered.

    I realized the important that it was having this insurance policy and a supportive broker that made process easier.

    Simran Bahrwani